Acupuncture can help with both ends of the pregnancy from conception to delivery, as well as all the stages in between.If you are:
- trying to get pregnant
- dealing with fertility issues
- suffering with morning sickness, fluid retention, heart burn, discomfort, etc
- have a breech baby you need to turn around
- are going to be induced or want to help get things started
- want as easy and healthy a pregnancy and labour as you can possibly have.
For over 3000 years Traditional Chinese Medicine has been using acupuncture to help women with care during their pregnancy and beyond. It is a great effective, drug-free treatment that is safe and has few risks. It works by using very fine disposable needles inserted into specific points, to balance your system, relieving symptoms.
In fact, scientific research says acupuncture can help ease many of the common aches and discomforts during pregnancy. Even better, it’s natural, stress-free for you and your baby.
I work alongside your primary care team including your midwife, GP and specialists to help you have a healthy and happy pregnancy.
Certain points should not be used during pregnancy except during labour, which is why it’s so important to see a practitioner trained in pregnancy acupuncture care.
Book your appointment today and find out how acupuncture can help you in your pregnancy journey.
In fact, scientific research says acupuncture can help ease many of the common aches and discomforts during pregnancy. Even better, it’s natural, stress-free for you and your baby.
Some of the issues and conditions Acupuncture can help with include:
Morning sickness
Studies have shown acupuncture is often effective in reducing nausea and vomiting during all stages of your pregnancy.
Headaches and Migraines
Research has shown that acupuncture can reduce pregnancy-induced headaches.
High blood pressure
Acupuncture helps reduce high blood pressure, especially if treatment starts early when the hypertension is first diagnosed.
Back and body pain
Effectively treat upper or lower back, rib, hip, pubic symphysis, and sciatic nerve pain, as well as carpal tunnel – without needing drugs.
Breech and Posterior Babies
Helps turn babies to the optimal position for delivery. Ideally treatment is at 34-36 weeks, but can still be useful later in your pregnancy if needed.
Labour preparation
Acupuncture can help prepare you and your pelvis and cervix for the task ahead and reducing the chances of needing medical intervention such as an induction or caesarean delivery.
A natural alternative to conventional medical gel or drip induction, helps gently induce labour.
Postnatal Care
Once your baby is born acupuncture can help with a range of conditions including improving breast feeding, nipple pain and milk production, healing wounds and scar tissue repair, exhaustion, postnatal depression and anxiety.
Acupuncture can also help with:
- Anaemia
- Anxiety and depression
- Constipation and other stomach or digestive issues
- Depression
- Heartburn
- Oedema and swelling in the legs and feet
- Haemorrhoids
- Thrush and candida overgrowth
- Insomnia and sleep issues
- Sinus problems and allergies
- Threatened miscarriage
- Exhaustion
- Period pain and PMS
- Hormonal balancing before or after birth
Wherever you are on your pregnancy journey, contact me to find out how I can help.